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At Refugee Voices, we believe that refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are not a problem to be fixed; they are capable individuals with skills, experiences and perspectives which add tremendous value to wherever they are applied, be it professionally or personally. 


However, these capacities are often rendered invisible by the traumatic circumstances linked with life as a refugee, and the result is someone with a closed way of relating to the world, standing on the sidelines of society. This closed mindset becomes a stumbling block in pursuing work, in social integration, and in achieving their fullest potential. 


We are passionate about helping each participant to remove that stumbling block by unleashing their unique brand of confidence, giving them the keys to social and professional integration mastery.

"I belong.

I have a voice.

I can lead the way in creating a life where I thrive, 

and I can share that with others."

Shishay, participant in our first programme.

Our programme

We strive to increase the chances of sustainable professional integration for young refugees and vulnerable migrants by strengthening the soft skills required for their integration into society, such as self-confidence and communication.

Our activities are based on a combination of public speaking, storytelling, slam poetry and theatre. This allows participants to acquire key professional skills for the 21st century, including creativity, self-awareness, self-expression and communication.

This training is co-led by migrants and  is guided by the notions of "living together" and citizenship, while fostering the development of positive human relations.

The programme culminates with public performances, where participants share their stories on stage, in front of an invited audience!

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Our impact

We are delighted to see the results of our first programmes, both with participants and invitees to our public performances.

We have trained more than 350 people so far through our own courses and in association with partners. Our public reach is far wider.

We conduct surveys to regularly monitor the satisfaction with our courses and the impact they are having. 

For our "Confidence Catalyst" programme:

100% of the participants gained in self-confidence and their capacities

86% of the participants felt more part of the community and were able to take advantage of employment opportunities

83% of the people who came to our performances would recommend them to friends and family.


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Lucy Antrobus

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Passionate to foster inclusion and confidence among marginalised communities.


Steve Lynch

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Development Director

Building partnership links with companies and associations.


Volha Pontus

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Head of Operations 

Spearheading implementation of strategic initiatives.


Pallavi Sehgal

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Marketing Strategist

Marketing and Communications strategist

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